A bill intended to keep convicted sex offenders away from kids would throw the Connecticut’s sex offender registry into “chaos,” according to the state’s Department of Correction.
Included in Senate Bill 1087 is a provision that would prohibit registered sex offenders from residing within 1,000 feet of a school or a child day care center, but according to Eric Ellison, deputy director for parole and community services at the Correction Department, that’s not a feasible, or even desirable, goal. Full Article
From the article…
Sen. Cathy Osten, D-Norwich, testified in favor of the bill, saying that if something can be done to keep residents safe, it is the legislature’s responsibility to do so.
“The majority of Connecticut residents believe that sexual violence is a problem in their community,” she said.
“And if that’s belief they have,” Osten continued, “then by golly, true or not, that’s the one I’m going to appeal to (to get more votes)! Who am I to muddy the waters with studies and research that counters the instincts of the fine, decent folk of Connecticut? It’s not my job to educate people with facts. Nonsense. ‘Round these parts, we legislate with our gut!”